Dzongu Sub-Division

Name – Shri Tshering Dorjee
Contact Number– NA
1. | Mr Jigmee Dorjee Bhutia | 2013 | MARCH 2014 |
2. | Shri. Gyatsu Pega Bhutia | MARCH 2014 | AUGUST 2014 |
3. | Shri. Tshering Dorjee Bhutia Bhutia | AUGUST 2014 | TILL DATE |
The office of the Sub – Divisional Magistrate is the in-charge of overall administration within the Sub Division. The SDM/Dzongu works under the Supervision of District Magistrate (North) Mangan & Reports him directly. The Office of G.V.A, RM&DD, C.D.P.O,SJE&WD A.C.F (Forest territory),Assistant Director HRDD, SBS Branch office , C.I.C,(NIC) are in are established in BAC//Building of Passingdang.
- Important Information about Dzongu Sub Division.
- Dzongu Sub Division comes under District Collector’s/Magistrate office, Mangan.
- Dzongu Sub Divisional Office has been set up in Block Administrative Centre building, Passingdang, upper Dzongu. From September, 2013. The office was formally inaugurated by Shri Sonam Gaytso Lepcha Hon’ble Minister, Power &Energy, Cultural Affairs Deptt, Govt of Sikkim on 8th October,2013 in the presence of Distt Collector (North)Mr. C.P. Dhakal SDM /Dzongu & Gram Panchayats, Zilla Panchayats of 7 GPUs of Dzongu & Pubic & Officers & Staff of Sub Divisional office.
- Location:The office has been established in the B.A.C Building of RM&DD at Passingdang, upper Dzongu, North Sikkim, from 1st September 2013. It is located at a distance of 8km from District Administrative Center,Pentok,Mangan,North Sikkim and 70km from the Capital of State i.e Gangtok,East Sikkim.
Territorial Jurisdiction of Sub Division Office Dzongu: Vide state Govt. notification no 66/56/LR&DMD/ACQ DATED 27.08.2013, the territorial jurisdiction of Dzongu Sub Division Office has been covered the following VLO circles and revenue blocks:
Sl.No | Name of circle | Name of Revenue Blocks |
1 | Passingdang |
2 | Hee Gyathang |
3 | Gor |